tisdag, februari 14, 2006

Den stora bluffen kring M-teckningarna

Tack vare orädda och kritiska journalister håller hela bluffen kring "opinionsstormen"
mot de satiriska M-teckningarna att rullas upp. En grupp islamistiska imamer som ingår
i Muslimska Brödraskapets internationella nätverk startade "stormen". Efterhand drogs
andra organisationer med som måste bevisa sin renlärighet. I sista steget aktiverades ett
antal muslimska totalitära regimer på fallrepet (Syrien, Iran, Saudiarabien m fl). Weekly
Standard har en bra och insiktsfull artikel.

"IT IS NOW ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that the recent murderous protests over cartoons
of the prophet Muhammad published in a Danish newspaper last September were
anything but spontaneous. The actions of Islamist agitators and financiers have
deliberately drummed up rage among far-flung extremists otherwise ignorant of
the Danish press. The usual suspects--the regimes in Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iran
--have profited from the spread of the disorders, and even the likes of tiny Kuwait
has reportedly offered funds to spur demonstrations throughout France. More
important, however, and perhaps less widely understood, the cartoon jihad is
tailor-made to advance the Muslim Brotherhood's long-term worldwide strategy
for establishing Islamic supremacy in the West.

As first reported by the Italian terrorism expert Lorenzo Vidino on the Counter-
terrorism Blog, one of Denmark's leading Islamists, Imam Ahmed Abu-Laban,
led a delegation late last year to visit influential figures in the Muslim world. He
took with him a dossier of cartoons, both those that had been published and others,
much more offensive, of dubious provenance. One place he took his road show was
Qatar, where he briefed Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a prominent leader of the Muslim
Brotherhood and a star of Al Jazeera.
Even after the riots began, Abu-Laban continued his meddling. On February 4, he told

Islamonline.net that Danish demonstrators were going to burn Korans in the streets
of Copenhagen, a falsehood that nevertheless added fuel to the fire.

Abu-Laban's extremist connections are well established. A Palestinian who is close
to the Muslim Brotherhood, he was expelled from the United Arab Emirates in 1984
for his fiery sermons and denunciations of local leaders. According to Vidino, he served
as translator and assistant to Talaal Fouad Qassimy, top leader of the Egyptian terrorist
group Gamaa Islamiya, in the mid-1990s. During the Iraq war, he called the Danish
prime minister "an American puppet." In August, he told the Washington Post that
the Danes "have made immigrants pay the price. Muslims have become the scapegoat.
They think we will undermine their culture and their values."

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