onsdag, september 10, 2008

Domstolarna - ett hinder för rättvisan ?

En brittisk domstol fällde inte de åtta
islamistiska terrorister som planerade
attentat mot ett antal transatlantiska
flyglinjer. Sju av dem dömdes dock
för andra brott.
Ännu en gång visade en domstol sin
oförmåga att begripa att landet
befinner sig i krig mot den islamistiska
terrorismen. Istället hakade man upp
sig på juridiska spetsfundigheter.
Counter-terrorism officials are said to
be "dismayed" by the outcome of a trial in
which eight men were accused of a plot to blow
up transatlantic planes. Three men were
convicted of conspiracy to murder but the jury
did not convict any defendant of targeting aircraft.
One man was cleared of all charges.
The BBC's Frank Gardner said there had been
"astonishment" in Whitehall as the evidence
was considered to be strong.
Prosecutors have until the end of the month
to consider a retrial of the men.