måndag, oktober 27, 2008

Tanzania inför SHARIA

Tanzania, ett hittills i huvudsak kristet
land, kommer inom kort att införa sharia-
lagstiftning. Till att börja med gäller det
endast den muslimska minoriteten.
Provinsen Zanzibar har haft sharia-
domstolar sedan 1985.
Regeringen förväntas också snart ansöka
om medlemskap i OIC, den islamistiska
Churches in Tanzania have petitioned against
a proposal to set up Kadhi (Islamic) courts to
handle disputes among the Muslim community.
They will create religious tension in a country
that prides itself on high levels of religious and
social tolerance, the church leaders say.
The petition was signed by 64 leaders from the
Christian Council of Tanzania (CCT) and
Pentecostal churches.