tisdag, november 18, 2008

"De Godas Union" - en terrororganisation

Äntligen! Nu är även Hamas paraply-
organisation för terrorfinansiering
Union of Good (vilken absurd fräckhet
att döpa en organisation som uppmuntrar
och finansierar mord och terror till "Det
Godas Union"....) klassificerad som vad
det hela tiden varit, nämligen en
Det är kanske onödigt att påpeka, men
Nobelvägen 79 i Malmö är medlem.
The leadership of Hamas created the Union
of Good in late-2000, shortly after the start
of the second Intifada, in order to facilitate
the transfer of funds to Hamas. The Union
of Good acts as a broker for Hamas by
facilitating financial transfers between
a web of charitable organizations--
including several organizations previously
designated under E.O. 13224 for providing
support to Hamas--and Hamas-controlled
organizations in the West Bank and Gaza.
The primary purpose of this activity is to
strengthen Hamas' political and military
position in the West Bank and Gaza, including
by: (i) diverting charitable donations to
support Hamas members and the families
of terrorist operatives; and (ii) dispensing
social welfare and other charitable services
on behalf of Hamas.
från US Treasury Department
The Global Muslim
Brotherhood Daily Report
(endast för prenumeranter)
"Curiously, the Treasury annoucement makes no
mention of Youssef Qaradawi who is the head
of the Union of Good.
As previous posts have discussed, actions against
Union of Good member organizations had already
been taken in many countries. The United States designated
the Al-Aqsa Foundation and Interpal on May 2003 while
Germany and the Netherlands acted to close the Al-Aqsa
Foundations branches in those countries.
In Denmark, the leaders of Al-Aqsa were charged but
later acquitted of terrorism-financing charges. Other
European countries such as the U.K., France, and Belgium
have never acted against Union of Good members in
those countries although the U.K. based Interpal has
been the subject of several investigations by local c
harity regulators. The Union of Good itself has never
previously been banned or the subject of any other
governmental actions, although it still maintains a website
and solicits donations with a server located in the U.S.,
possibly in violation of U.S. terrorism-financing laws.
The U.S. also has never acted against Qaradawi himself
despite his support for suicide bombings and his
role as the head of the Union of Good."
Tilläggas bör att Yousuf al-Qaradawi är
andlig ledare för Muslimska Brödraskapet
och populär TV-imam på al-Jazeera
.....och ordförande för De Godas Union.