tisdag, november 11, 2008

Nytt om terrorfinansiering

Två av amerikanska finansdepartementets
främsta experter på att spåra och beslagta
terrororganisationernas tillgångar Matthew
Levitt och Michael Jacobson beskriver i en
färsk rapport hur viktig finansieringen är
för den moderna terrorismen. Genom att
finna och strypa penningkanalerna kan terror-
dåd förhindras (eller i varje fall försvåras).
En rapport värd att studeras. Se särskilt sid
64-65 om Hamas stiftelser, där vår gamla
på Nobelvägen 79 i Malmö.....) självklart dyker
Chapter 1, the introduction to this monograph,
provides a broad overview of the subjects we cover,
as well as some of our basic findings.
In chapter 2, we explain the importance of the
little-understood efforts to combat terrorist
financing, and why they are and should be an
important part of the global counterterrorism
Chapter 3 lays out how terrorist financing—
like the terrorist threat itself—is rapidly evolving,
frequently in response to international
efforts to combat it. As we discuss in this
chapter, the terrorist groups’ adaptation in
how they raise, store and, move funds can
often frustrate governmental efforts to
detect and stop them.
In chapter 4, we assess U.S. and international
efforts to combat terrorist financing since the
September 11 attacks—first laying out the
many areas where steps forward
have been taken, then exploring some of the
remaining challenges.
In chapter 5, we gauge how effective U.S.
and international efforts have been, pointing to
specific signs of success in an area in which
progress is often difficult to measure.
In chapter 6, we offer numerous recommendations
for U.S. policymakers to bolster the international
regime in this critically important area.
Chapter 7 provides three case studies, providing
“status checks” on the terrorist-financingrelated
activities of three key terrorist groups—al-Qaeda,
Hamas, and Hizballah.
Ladda ned hela rapporten (.pdf, 84 sid)