måndag, januari 05, 2009

Hjälp Israel vinna cyberkriget !

Medan IDF rensar upp i Gaza har en grupp
israeliska studenter startat en egen kamp
mot de islamistiska hackers som härjar i
Nu kan även DU delta i kampen mot Hamas.
Ladda ned ett litet program som hjälper till
att överbelasta islamisternas servrar.
Det är enkelt och helt ofarligt för din dator.
Läs mer på Help Israel Win.

Israeli Student Team Wants Help Hacking Hamas

Gal, one of Help Israel Win's managers, told Arutz Sheva that
"our purpose is to block the servers upon which Hamas's
different websites are stored. For this purpose, a large
number of computers need to initiate communication
with the enemy websites simultaneously. In this way
the sites will be effectively blocked and they will not be
accessible through the internet."
An attack upon a website, the students say, can be
carried out by having numerous computers enter
it simultaneously. In this way the site's operation is
slowed down and the server deals exclusively with
connection requests, but does not send any information