fredag, februari 06, 2009

Första analysen av Gaza-kriget: - Inga israeliska brott mot folkrätten

Det amerikanska Center for Strategic and International
Studies har redan utkommit med en preliminär rapport
om Gaza-kriget. Både krigshändelser och den civila
situationen skildras dag för dag.
Intressanta är också de amerikanska experternas slutsatser,
som kraftigt avviker från vad medier och kvasiexperter för-
sökt inbilla oss i Sverige:
The analysis of the 22-day conflict in Gaza by Anthony H.
Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International
Studies finds "impressive improvements in the readiness
and capability" of the Israeli Defense Forces since the
war against Hizbullah in Lebanon in 2006, and un-
equivocally states that Israel did not violate the laws
of war despite the large number of civilian casualties
among the Palestinians.
"[Israel] did deliberately use decisive force to enhance
regional deterrence and demonstrate that it had
restored its military edge," the report states.
"These, however, are legitimate military
objectives in spite of their very real
humanitarian costs."
Rapporten avlivar också myten om "den humanitära
katastrofen" i Gaza. El, drivmedel och mat strömmade
hela tiden från Israel till den arabiska befolkningen.....
Två exempel:
1. Israels bistånd till Gaza:
 37,159 tons of humanitarian aid on 1503 trucks
transferred via Kerem Shalom and Karni crossings
(food, medication and medical supplies).
 1,535,750 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the
Gaza power station.
 234 tons of gas for domestic uses.
 188,000 liters of diesel for UNRWA vehicles and needs.
 3896 tons of grain, on 98 trucks, was transferred
via Karni conveyor belt.
 20 Ambulances
2. El-tillgången i Gaza:
Before the operation, Gaza received 70% of its usual
electrical supply, due to lack of fuel. From those 70%,
Israel supplied 62% (124 MVA supplied in 10 lines
from Israel) and Egypt 8%( 17 MVA supplied by 2 lines).

As of the 19.1.09: electrical supply is 77%.
(7% more than when the operation started).
Således en rapport väl värd att läsa.
En gedigen faktasamling, särskilt på
områden som svenska medier definitivt
inte tänker berätta om.....