tisdag, februari 03, 2009

Muslimska Brödraskapet satsar på entryism

Det är nog inte många som minns ordet "entryism"
längre. Det var en trotskistisk term som betydde
att en liten, väl utbildad grupp infiltrerade
en större organisation för att på sikt ta över
kontrollen över den. Det senaste exemplet i Sverige
var trotskistiska Offensivs entryism i SSU på 70-
och 80-talet. Den gången gick det inte så bra....
Nu berättar Atma Singh i Middle East Strategic
Information (MESI) om aktuella exempel på
entryism i den anti-israeliska och anti-amerikanska
s k fredsrörelsen i Storbritannien. Singh är för övrigt
en intressant figur. Nära rådgivare till extremvänsterns
galjonsfigur f d Londonborgmästaren Ken Livingstone,
men som hoppade av i protest mot Livingstones allt
intimare samarbete med islamistiska Muslimska
Det han har att berätta är också spännande och
Att den hemliga trotskistiska Socialist Action
målmedvetet arbetar sig in i den extrema vänstern,
inte minst i Livingstones Respect Party, är kanske
inte så överraskande.
Att däremot Brödraskapets Muslim Association of
Britain (MAB) använder en rent entryistisk strategi
för att ta över de s k moderata muslimska organisa-
tionerna är säkert mera oväntat....
"Two key revolutionary socialist and revolutionary
Islamicist ‘entryist’[3] organisations in the UK
have adopted a strategy which uses the authority
and resources of the UK to support Hamas and
oppose Israel. 'Entryism' is a political tactic by
which an organisation or state encourages its
members or agents to infiltrate another
organisation in an attempt to gain recruits or
take it over entirely. These are Socialist Action
(which is not an open, but a deep entryist
organisation that seeks to hide its real identity
in UK politics) and the Muslim Association of
Britain (a front for the Muslim Brotherhood
organisation in the UK, which also uses a
form of entryism in UK politics by concealing
its real identity). They attempt to obtain the
passive or active support of state actors in
the UK to legitimise Hamas and portray
Israel as an aggressive state, thus de-
legitimising it.
In the UK it has adopted a strategy similar
to the Trotskyite ‘United Front’ on the issues
of Islamism, with two main elements.
Firstly it aims to capture the UK constituency
interested in global issues of Islam, specifically
supporting the creation and defence of Islamic
regimes and movements.
Secondly, it supports the Islamicisation and
radicalisation of Muslims in the West.
However, its primary focus is to support
Hamas through the building of a ‘united front’
on the Palestinian question and defeating
‘Zionist forces’ in the UK. This focus has
emerged again and again in different formats
in its UK strategy. The key element of its
legitimacy has been its participation in the
anti-war and pro-peace movement, alongside
a relationship with UK police and security
services or their sub-elements.
Since September 2002 STWC protests have
been co-sponsored by MAB. Thus it has played
a major role in mobilising the UK Islamic
constituency within the broader peace movement,
giving it some political legitimacy. These protests
have included those against the Iraq War (for
example the one million people march in London),
the march against the Israeli conflict with
Hezbollah (Hezbollah is a close ally of Hamas
in the Middle East) and now the protests
against Israel in its conflict with Hamas in Gaza."
Muslimska Brödraskapet är en centraliserad
och väldisciplinerad organisation. En ny
strategi testas kanske bara i ett land, men
fungerar den kan vi vara övertygade om att
den snabbt börjar användas i hela Europa.....