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Målet är och förblir Israels utplåning !
En av de få svenska debattörer som tycks inse
detta är Anna Ekström. Läs hennes inlägg i dagens
Sydsvenska: "Skamlig populism, Sahlin"
Vad blev då resultatet av Fatahkongressen ?
Ska man tro Mona Sahlin och västerländska
medier var det ett stort steg framåt för rörelsen.
Enligt Barry Rubin, som sitter på sakkunskap
i frågan, snarare ett steg bakåt:
"We will be told two things about this election:
that this is a peace-oriented leadership (not true)
and that this is a great victory for the Young
Guard (misleading)."
Han sammanfattar: Fatah Congress Fails
Rubin fortsätter med att analysera de 22 ledamöterna
i Fatahs nya Centralkommitté som valdes/utsågs på
kongressen. D v s ungefär hälften valdes av de 2.000
kongressledamöterna, som i sin tur inte var valda av
någon utan utsedda av de gamla bossarna....
"But there is one aspect of this result so dangerous that
it might outweigh everything else. At number one with
two-thirds of the vote--a remarkable sign of popularity-
-is Abd al-Mahir Ghuneim. He is increasingly being
spoken of as Abbas's successor. Ghuneim is an unrepentant
hardliner, an open opponent of the Oslo agreement.
If he becomes the leader of Fatah--and hence of the PA
and PLO--you can forget about peace. Violent conflict
becomes far more likely.
Watch this man: he is the future of the
Palestinian movement.
The people everyone will be watching are the four guys
with their own base of support, three security agency heads
-Muhammad Dahlan, Jibril Rajoub, Tawfiq Tarawi--and West
Bank grassroots' leader Marwan Barghouti, whose greatest
achievement was launching the 2000-2005 war on Israel
that included a high element of terrorism.
Since Barghouti is in an Israeli prison, however, he will
probably play a smaller role. It is easy to call these three
leaders of a Young Guard but remember they are all
personal rivals, and that's what's most important.
And in addition, while Dahlan and Rajoub are presented
as young, fresh faces--and they are by no means radical
in the context of Palestinian politics, you could even call
them pragmatists in that framework, we are talking here
about militia leaders, not civic reformers.
Dahlan, for example, said just before the congress that Fatah
had never recognized Israel and would never ask Hamas to
do so either.
There are five real hardliners: Abd al-Mahir Ghuneim, Salim
al-Zanoun, Abbas Zaki, Sultan Abu al-Aynain, and Nasser Kidra.
Zanoun is the former head of the Palestine National Council
who rejected changing the Charter to accept Israel's
existence; Zaki is an old-style Arab nationalist. Kidra is seen
as representing the legacy of his uncle Yasir Arafat.
There are two who can be called moderate: Nabil Shaath and
Muhammad Shtayyeh. Then there are Abbas's supporters who
could all be called members of the "Old Guard": Saib Erikat,
Azzam al-Ahmad, Hassan al-Sheikh, Tawfiq al-Tirawi,
Othman Abu Gharbyeh, and probably Muhammad
al-Madani. He can presumably also count on Nabil
Shaath.This is not a group willing to make concessions to
get Hamas into a partnership. A Fatah-Hamas reconciliation
is not going to happen.
Is this a group that will return to armed struggle?
This is possible though they are not eager to do so.
Dahlan and Rajoub are realistic about Palestinian military
weakness, though Barghouti is probably more eager for
If Ghaneim becomes the leader, however, Fatah
could revert to the Arafat era."
Två av 22 som kan misstänkas på allvar vilja ha fred,
imponerande eller hur.....
Undrar om Bildt visste det när han belönade Fatah
med 50 miljoner extra efter kongressen......
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