fredag, juni 17, 2011

Två tredjedelar av pakistanierna önskar islamisering av samhället

En stor Galluppundersökning i Pakistan
avslöjar att 67 % önskar att samhället
ska islamiseras. Det visar att en tydlig
majoritet av folket tar avstånd från
författningens krav på Pakistan som en
demokratisk och sekulär stat....
According to a survey carried out by Gilani
Research Foundation, 31 percent people
want the government to take steps for
Islamisation immediately, however, 48
percent think that the needed steps
should be taken one by one.
People approached for survey had been
“In your opinion should the government
take steps to Islamise the society?”
These findings clearly show that the claims
made by various elements that Pakistan
should be a secular state are totally base-
less and contrary to the wishes of the people,
The Nation reports.
This is a unique kind of survey carried out
by an organization (Gallup Pakistan) in a
society where more than 90 percent people
are Muslims, no matter which sect they
belong to.
That 31 percent people want ‘immediate’
steps for Islamisation means that they
are totally disappointed with the ability
of the existing system to solve their
problems and want to switch over to
the Islamic system, for the sake of
which the country had been created
in 1947.
The 48 percent people, who want a
gradual approach, also pin their
hopes on the Islamic system, but
want it to be introduced gradually,
which ostensibly means that they
think any hasty steps might have
the potential to backfire.
Thirteen percent of those approached for
their opinions said that there was no
need for Islamisation. Such people
could be secularists, liberals or of
the minority communities.
Twenty percent people gave no
response, which may mean that
Islamization is not that important
for them.
Their silence could also be taken to
mean that they are not concerned
for what the government does or
does not do on this front.