lördag, augusti 10, 2013

Årets Ramadan kostade 1.651 människoliv....

Utmärkta The Religion of Peace har nu
sammanställt resultatet av årets Ramadan.
Terrorattacker 310
Självmordsbomber 28
Mördade 1.651
Skadade 3.048
Och allt detta på en månad
mitt i sommaren....
Som jämförelse
mord orsakade av andra religioner: 0
våldsamma hatbrott mot islam: 1
Som vanligt försöker han också sätta
in morden i ett historiskt perspektiv:
More people are killed by Islamists
each year than in all 350 years of
the Spanish Inquisition combined.
More civilians were killed by Muslim
extremists in two hours on September
11th than in the 36 years of sectarian
conflict in Northern Ireland.
19 Muslim hijackers killed more innocents
in two hours on September 11th than the
number of American criminals executed in
the last 65 years. 
Islamic terrorists murder more people
every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in
the last 50 years